Open today

Juankoski 14–18 10–18 Closed Closed 1.4.2024 Closed 9.5.2024 Closed 26.12.2024 Closed

Juuka 14–18 13–17 Closed Closed 24.12.2024 Closed 29.3.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9–14 21.6.2024 Closed 6.12.2024 Closed

Kaavi 14–18 Closed Closed 1.5.2024 Closed 3.5.2023 14–18 26.12.2024 Closed

Karttula 14–18 Closed Closed 1.5.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9–14 25.12.2024 Closed

Konnevesi 14–18 Closed Closed 29.3.2024 Closed 21.6.2024 Closed 6.12.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9-14

Kuopio 7–20 7–20 7–20 7–20 7–20 Itsepalvelu 7–20 Itsepalvelu 7–20 29.3.2024 Itsepalvelu 7–20 1.4.2024 Itsepalvelu 7–20 1.5.2024 Itsepalvelu 7–20 9.5.2024 Itsepalvelu 7–20 21.6.2024 Itsepalvelu 7–20 6.12.2024 Itsepalvelu 7–20 24.12.2024 Itsepalvelu 7–20 25.12.2024 Itsepalvelu 7–20 26.12.2024 Itsepalvelu 7–20

Lieksa 10–18 10–18 Closed Closed 1.4.2024 Closed 9.5.2024 Closed 26.12.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9–14

Maaninka, kiertävä 11.5.2022 15.30–17.30 25.5.2022 15.30–17.30 8.6.2022 15.30–17.30 22.6.2022 15.30–17.30 6.7.2022 15.30–17.30 20.7.2022 15.30–17.30 3.8.2022 15.30–17.30 17.8.2022 15.30–17.30 31.8.2022 15.30–17.30 14.9.2022 15.30–17.30 28.9.2022 15.30–17.30

Nilsiä 12–18 10–18 Closed Closed 9.5.2024 Closed 2.5.2023 12–18 24.12.2024 Closed 26.12.2024 Closed

Nurmes 12–18 10–18 Closed Closed 1.4.2024 Closed 9.5.2024 Closed 26.12.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9–14

Outokumpu 12–18 10–18 Closed Closed 1.4.2024 Closed 9.5.2024 Closed 26.12.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9–14

Pieksämäki 10–18, self-service 18–20 10–18, self-service 18–20 10–17, self-service 17–20 Self-service 10–20 29.3.2024 Self-service 10–20 1.5.2024 Self-service 10–20 21.6.2024 Self-service 10–20 6.12.2024 Self-service 10–20 25.12.2024 Self-service 10–20 26.12.2023 Closed

Rautalampi 14–18 Closed Closed 1.4.2024 Closed 3.5.2023 14–18

Rautavaara 13.5.2023 9–14

Riistavesi 14–18 Closed Closed 29.3.2024 Closed 21.6.2024 Closed 6.12.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9-14

Siilinjärvi 10–18, self-service 18–20 10–18, self-service 18–20 10–17, self-service 17–20 Self-service 10–20 Closed 1.1.2024 Closed 29.3.2024 Self-service 10–20 1.4.2024 Self-service 10–20 1.5.2024 Self-service 10–20 21.6.2024 Self-service 10–20 6.12.2024 Self-service 10–20 25.12.2024 Self-service 10–20

Suonenjoki 12–18 10–18 Closed Closed 9.5.2024 Closed 24.12.2024 Closed 26.12.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9–14

Tervo 12–18 10–18 Closed Closed 24.12.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9–14

Tuusniemi 14–18 Closed Closed 24.12.2024 Closed

Valtimo, kiertävä 4.5.2022 14–18 18.5.2022 14–18 1.6.2022 14–18 15.6.2022 14–18 29.6.2022 14–18 13.7.2022 14–18 27.7.2022 14–18 10.8.2022 14–18 24.8.2022 14–18 7.9.2022 14–18 21.9.2022 14–18 5.10.2022 14–18 19.10.2022 14–18

Vehmersalmi 14–18 Closed Closed 29.3.2024 Closed 21.6.2024 Closed 6.12.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9-14

Vesanto 14–18 Closed Closed 9.5.2024 Closed 26.12.2024 Closed 13.5.2023 9–14

Other fees

Area waste collection points are intended to be utilised by households situated in the area.

If a property does not have its own waste container or shared container, the property owner/holder must pay a fee for the right to utilise the area waste collection point designated for the property. The area waste collection point fee is an annual fee that entitles the payer to utilise the area waste collection point for mixed waste maintained by Jätekukko. Additionally, biowaste is collected separately at some area waste collection points.

Residential area specific waste collection points are concentrated waste collection points made available to the properties in a given residential area. They are set up to separately collect mixed waste, biowaste, carton packages, plastic packages, glass packages and metal packages. The area waste collection point fee is an annual fee that entitles the payer to utilise the area waste collection point.

Once you have signed up to utilising waste disposal services, upon logging in to the Omakukko online service you can see the location of the area waste collection point that is nearest to you. Alternatively, you can also contact our customer service to find out the location of your nearest area waste collection point.

Area waste collection point fee

Euros per year
(VAT 25.5%)
As from 1 September 2024

Permanent home where you live round the year, collection of mixed waste and biowaste 180.16  
Permanent home where you live round the year, collection of mixed waste 158.90  
Permanent home, collection of biowaste 117.41  
Leisure home or holiday apartment that you use round the year 93.11  
Leisure home or holiday apartment that you use in the summer period (between 1 May and 30 September) 49.60  

If a property owner/holder signs up to utilising an area waste collection point in the middle of the year, the area waste collection point fee will be charged from the beginning of the month that first follows the sign-up date . However, if the entitlement for utilising the area waste collection point takes effect on the 1st day of a given month, the area waste collection point fee will be charged from the beginning of that month.

If a property owner/holder that has signed up to utilise an area waste collection point shifts into using the property’s own waste container or a shared waste container, or if the Waste Management Board deems the property unfit for use based on appropriate investigations, the area waste collection point fee will be refunded as from the beginning of the month that first follows the date when the notification in question was made.


In the Lavakukko service, a rental waste skip is delivered to a property for disposal of larger amounts of waste, such as gardening waste, cleaning waste, renovation waste, waste wood or waste metal.

The price covers the skip rental (1–4 days), skip transportation both ways and processing of waste. If the transportation distance exceeds 25 km from the unloading site (Kuopio Waste Sorting Centre), a supplemental transportation fee (6.70 euros/km, VAT 24%) will be added to the price for the portion of travel that exceeds 25 km. The amount of this supplemental transportation fee will be calculated based on the actual one-way distance in kilometres, not the round-trip distance, for the portion exceeding 25 km.

Place your order here (in Finnish)

    Euros per skip
(incl. VAT 25.5%)
As from 1 September 2024
A skip for raking waste, brushwood and garden waste   325.90
A skip for cleaning and renovation waste   695.31
A skip for waste wood   329.94
A skip for waste metal   228.74

Noutokukko is the pickup service for bulky waste items. It comes to pick up individual bulky waste items that are too large to be placed into the waste container on your property or are unsuited to be put there (e.g. mattress bases, refrigerators and washing machines). It does not accept regular mixed waste.

Place your order here (in Finnish)

    Euros per order
(incl. VAT 25.5%)
As from 1 September 2024
Pick-up fee (0–2 m3 )   119.43
Each additional cubic metre of waste   20.24
No-show fee, if the customer is not present   20.24

A composter suitable for use round the year and its free delivery to the property, including instructions on how to begin composting.

Place your order here (in Finnish)

  Price in euros
(VAT 25.5%)
As from 1 September 2024
Quick composter, 220 litres 535.40
Composter, 500 litres 402.82


  Price in euros (VAT 25.5%)
As from 1 September 2024
Insertion of waste bag into biowaste container, euros per bag      
An additional fee for insertion of a waste bag into a biowaste container by the waste truck operator (the cost of the bag included).     1.67
Insertion of waste bag into underground waste container, euros per bag      
An additional fee for insertion of a waste bag into an underground waste container by the waste truck operator (the cost of the bag included).      
Underground waste container max. 1.3 m3, price in euros per inserted bag     2.69
Underground waste container larger than 1.3 m3 up to 3 m3, price in euros per inserted bag     3.92
Underground waste container larger than 3 m3, price in euros per inserted bag     7.77

Fee for separately ordered waste collection from non-residential properties
An additional fee will be charged for separately ordered waste collection from non-residential properties (e.g. function halls, hunting club lodges) that are not included in regular waste collection arrangements.

However, no additional fee will be charged for occasional special orders that concern waste containers included in regular waste collection arrangements, if the collection site that the special order concerns is situated directly on the waste truck’s collection route.

Waste collection upon special order, max. container size 660 l, euros per collection visit     4.20
Waste collection upon special order, underground or surface containers, euros per collection visit     12.65
Deviation fee for waste collection beyond area boundaries or at irregular collection sites, euros per each 500-metre stretch of driving distance     0.83
An additional deviation fee will apply for waste collection in unusually difficult transportation circumstances involving driving the waste truck beyond the boundaries of the property-specific waste collection area as determined by the Waste Management Board. An additional deviation fee will also apply for accessing a collection site that does not correspond to the waste disposal regulations, including having to drive the waste truck along a driveway leading to the yard of a detached house or semi-detached house. Such collection visits beyond area boundaries or to irregular collection sites are only feasible if the waste truck can access the collection site safely and without obstacle. The deviation fee calculation will be based on the one-way driving distance, not the round-trip distance.      
Carrying fee, euros per each 10-metre distance     1.67
The carrying fee will apply when a waste container or waste bag or waste material exceeding container capacity or placed outside a container needs to be carried manually by the waste truck operator from the collection site to the waste truck for a distance exceeding 10 metres, provided that such carrying can feasibly be done. The carrying fee calculation will be based on the one-way carrying distance, not there and back.      
Fee for collection arrangements that do not correspond to the waste disposal regulations, euros per each container emptied     7.39
The fee will apply when a collection receptacle or collection site does not correspond to the waste disposal regulations, such as a container without wheels, too heavy container, missing or deficient waste container shed (where a shed is required by regulation). Paying the fee does not grant exemption from the obligation to rectify any defects.      
Fee for prevented access, euros per visit      
The fee will apply when a collection receptacle cannot be emptied due to an obstacle preventing access to it (vehicle blocking the way, locked gate, poor road condition etc.). In built-up areas**, the waste truck operator will come over twice to try and perform the emptying and collection. If the waste container is unavailable or inaccessible at the waste collection site upon scheduled collection visits as indicated in the customer register, the customer will be obliged to pay the regular waste collection fee.      
- Containers max. 800 litres     4.56
- Underground or surface containers     14.17
Hourly rate, euros per hour     127.52
An additional fee will be charged if waste disposal staff need to remove unsuitable waste from a collectively used waste collection point or need to clear away incorrectly sorted waste at a waste sorting centre (the time spent will be invoiced based on actual time consumption measured in 5-minute periods, however, in any instances never less than 15 minutes), in addition to which the waste in question will be invoiced separately. The fee shall be paid by them who brought the waste to the waste collection point.

An additional fee will be charged if a collection visit ordered by the customer cannot be included in scheduled collection but has to be carried out separately as an extra visit. Furthermore, an additional fee will also be charged if the waste truck operator has to wait before gaining access to the waste collection site, such as having to wait for a lock to be opened or having to fetch a key to a locked site prior to accessing the site. A corresponding additional fee will also be charged, if the waste truck operator has to call the customer or carry out some other time-consuming measure in order to gain access to the waste collection site. Any such arrangements as described above must be agreed on in advance with the waste management company. The time spent for any such measures as specified above will be invoiced based on actual time consumption measured in 5-minute periods.

For any work to be done on Saturdays and Sundays, the invoiceable hourly rate will be doubled and tripled, respectively.
Washing the inside of a waste container, euros per container      

The biowaste containers are washed free of charge twice a year. All containers for mixed waste, carton packages, glass packages, metal packages and plastic packages utilised by more than two households or communities and situated in built-up areas** are washed free of charge once a year.

- Washing the inside of a waste container in connection with the scheduled waste container wash on the regular route of the container washing vehicle, as ordered separately by the customer (the price includes emptying the waste container as an extra collection service before the wash)     13.67
Washing the inside and outside of a waste container, euros per container      
- Washing the inside and outside of a waste container in connection with the scheduled waste container wash on the regular route of the container washing vehicle, as ordered separately by the customer (the price includes emptying the waste container as an extra collection service before the wash)     18.22
Waste containers that are outside the regular route of the container washing vehicle can be replaced with clean ones upon customer request. The waste container delivery/replacement fee will also apply in connection with this.      
Fee for washing underground waste containers, euros per container      
An additional fee will be charged for washing an underground waste container on the regular route of the container washing vehicle, as ordered separately by the customer (NB. the price does not include emptying the waste container as an extra collection service before the wash, with the exception of biowaste containers). In built-up areas**, all biowaste containers are washed free of charge twice a year, and all containers of mixed waste, carton packages, glass packages, metal packages and plastic packages are washed free of charge once a year.      
Washing of mixed waste containers and packaging waste containers, euros per underground container     59.71
Washing of biowaste containers (incl. emptying the container as an extra collection service), euros per underground container     98.18

If a waste press is utilised, a fee of 112.76 euros (incl. VAT 24%; i.e. 90.94 euros net) will be charged for emptying the press. Additionally, a driving fee of 6.70 euros per kilometre (incl. VAT 24%, i.e. 5.40 euros net per kilometre) will apply for emptying the press, as calculated based on the one-way driving distance, not the round-trip distance. Furthermore, the waste reception fee as applied by the waste sorting centre will be invoiced for processing the waste.

Waste container delivery/replacement, euros per container       Price in euros
(VAT 25.5%)
No fee will be charged for delivering a waste container to a property, replacing an existing waste container or removing a waste container from a property, provided that the waste container in question is featured in a regular waste collection arrangement and its capacity is 140–660 litres. However, a fee will be charged, if the waste container replacement is based on the customer’s request (for example, when changing to a different-sized waste container) or if a broken waste container needs to be replaced and the cause of the breakage is not related to the waste management company’s operation (such as an excessively heavy waste load, vandalism or theft).

The fee will not apply, if the waste container is replaced in order to adapt container capacity to a change in the amount of waste generated due to changing circumstances (for example, a change in the number of participants in a shared waste collection arrangement or a permanent change in the number of residents in property-specific waste collection). Such container change can be made free of charge once every two years per customer/shared collection arrangement.
- Kuopio, Siilinjärvi and Pieksämäki      34.41
- Other municipalities     45.54